This manual tells about engine oils that suits Audi vehicles. Engine Oils Which Meet Audi Oil Quality
Standards VW 502 00 and VW 505 0. This manual have Attached a “Worldwide” list of oils which
currently meet Audi oil quality standard. Please refer to the specific Vehicle Owner’s Manual, published Technical Bulletins and Fluid Capacity Charts to select the appropriate oil required for each Audi vehicle. This manual include engine oil manufacturer, Distributor, Description and viscosity of oil. Download Audi Approved Engine Oil Technical Service Bulletin All model 1997 - 2006.
Standards VW 502 00 and VW 505 0. This manual have Attached a “Worldwide” list of oils which
currently meet Audi oil quality standard. Please refer to the specific Vehicle Owner’s Manual, published Technical Bulletins and Fluid Capacity Charts to select the appropriate oil required for each Audi vehicle. This manual include engine oil manufacturer, Distributor, Description and viscosity of oil. Download Audi Approved Engine Oil Technical Service Bulletin All model 1997 - 2006.